May 2019 - aspiredental

Monthly Archives : May 2019

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I do not know about you, but when I go to work as a GDP, I have goals I work towards. Now, for you, your goals may be slightly different but ultimately, I expect we are all after: 1. Happy and Healthy Patients 2. Successful Clinical Outcomes 3. Adequate Financial Remuneration (adequate will mean different things to different practitioners) 4. Healthy…




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One of the driving forces behind the Italian Renaissance was a belief that to see and thence appreciate art’s real significance, you had to pit one creative talent against another. This idea had its own name: Paragone (painting vs. sculpture vs. architecture). Paragone began with social discussions about pieces of art but developed into open debate, and in the halls of…



I am a big fan of investing—investing in myself is what I mean. Whether through self-development books, courses or simply buying something that makes my life easier and less stressful is an investment worthwhile. Do you agree? Today I want to talk about dental investing. I attended countless useless lectures and seminars in my vocational training year. However, there was one…



How do you get a lot of people to read and share your blogs? How do you draw attention to them and get people talking? How to create the ‘buzz’ and media frenzy? The answer hasn’t changed much. If you want to gather people in the town square, put a corrupt politician in the stocks or publicly hang them. If you…